Witamy na stronie sklepu internetowego Falcon Medical Polska Sp. z o.o. Zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami prawa, niniejsza strona i prezentowane na niej treści są przeznaczone wyłącznie dla profesjonalistów w zakresie wyrobów medycznych (tj. osób wykonujących zawód medyczny lub w inny sposób związanych zawodowo z branżą medyczną np. prowadzących obrót wyrobami medycznymi).
Informujemy, że treści zamieszczane na niniejszej stronie mogą zawierać między innymi wiadomości na temat wyrobów niebezpiecznych dla zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa pacjentów.
W celu przejścia na stronę potwierdź swój status:
- Disposable products
- Diagnostic
- Conventional laryngoscope blades
- Fiber Optic Laryngoscope blades
- Disposable Laryngoscope blades
- Conventional laryngoscope sets
- Fiber Optic Laryngoscope sets
- Laryngoscope handles
- Disposable laryngoscope handles
- Replacement bulbs
- Disposable airway set
- Tongue holding forceps
- Intubation forceps
- Mouth gags
- Suture knot tier and pushers
- Scalpels and knives
- Falcon-Cut delicate scissors
- Falcon-Cut operating scissors
- Falcon-Cut dissecting scissors
- Delicate scissors
- Scissors left handed
- Decapitating scissors
- Metal cutting scissors
- Scissors umbilical cord
- Episiotomy scissors
- Tonsil scissors
- Ligature scissors
- Nail and cuticle scissors
- Scissors with one blade serrated
- Uterine scissors
- Titanium micro scissors
- Micro scissors
- Scissors nasal
- Rectal scissors
- Operating scissors
- Dissecting scissors
- Dissecting and autopsy scissors
- Titanium scissors
- Super-Cut delicate scissors
- Super-Cut operating scissors
- Bandage and plaster instuments
Dissecting and tissue forceps
- Splinter forceps
- Dissecting forceps
- Titanium dissecting and tissue forceps
- Micro dissecting forceps
- Dissecting forceps with tungsten carbide insert
- Atraumatic forceps
- Titanium atraumatic forceps
- Tissue forceps
- Micro tissue forceps
- Tissue forceps with tungsten carbide insert
- Hair removing tweezers
- Splinter tweezers
- Micro forceps
- Titanium micro forceps
- Nasal forceps
- Aural forceps
Forceps and Clamps
- Clamps tubing
- Forceps tissue and organ grasping
- Clamps gall duct
- Forceps hysterectomy
- Forceps dressing and sponge
- Forceps peritoneum
- Clamps kidney pedicle
- Misc forceps
- Artery forceps
- Artery forceps 1x2th
- Delicate artery forceps
- Oral artery forceps
- Tonsil artery forceps
- Titanium artery forceps
- Dissecting and ligature forceps
- Towel forceps
- Titanium artery clip
- Artery clips
Suture instruments
- Needle holders
- Needle holders left handed
- Micro needle holders
- Titanium micro needle holders
- Micro needle holders with tungstun carbide insert
- Needle holders with tungstun carbide insert
- Ligature needles
- Suture clip applying and removing forceps
- Guiding Pobes
- Goitre enucleators
- Titanium needle holders
- Suture forceps
- Probes spatulae and applicators
- Retractors self-retaining
- Universal ring retractors
- Retractors and Hooks
- Trocars and needles
- Opthalmic Instruments
- Cardiovascular Surgery
Gynecology instruments
- Fistula hook
- Myoma instruments
- Instruments for amnion bladder
- IUD removal instruments
- Uterine dressing forceps
- Biopsy forceps
- Obstetrical forceps and hooks
- Ceasarean forceps
- Ovum placenta forceps
- Uterine tenaculum and vulsellum forceps
- Uterine dilators
- Biopsy curettes
- Placenta curettes and ovum scoops
- Uterine sounds manipulator depressors and tubal hook
- Fetal stethoscopes and pelvimeters
- Endocervical specula
- Vaginal specula
- Vaginal retractor
- Self-retaining retractors
- Intra-uterine cannula
- Polypus and ovum forceps Cervix manipulating forceps
- Uterine elevating forceps
- Uterine scissors
- Hysterectomy forceps
- Obstetrical scissors
- Uterine curettes malleable sharp
- Uterine curettes rigid sharp
- Uterine curettes malleable blunt
- Uterine curettes rigid blunt
Ortopedia i Traumatologia
- Dłuto kostne żłobowe
- Dźwignia luksacyjna
- Ekstraktor do usuwania protez
- Hak biodrowy
- Hak kolanowy
- Haki automatyczne
- Kleszcze do cięcia drutu i gwoździ
- Kleszcze do cięcia drutu z przekładnią
- Kleszcze do gięcia drutu
- Kleszcze do skręcania drutu
- Odgryzacz kostny
- Pobijaki
- Pobijak do protez
- Podważka kostna
- Raszpla do kości
- Rozwiertak ręczny
- Dłuto płaskie
- Kleszcze do cięcia kości
- Kleszcze do tkanki martwej
- Kościotrzymacze
- Łyżeczki kostne
- Młoteki kostne
- Nóż do łąkotki
- Osteotom
- Pilniki kostne
- Raspator
- Ręka ołowiana
- Skrobaczki kostne
- Kleszcze do trzymania drutu
- Kleszczyki do chrząstek
- Ustalacze odłamów kości
- Prowadnice do drutu
- Neurochirurgia i laminektomia
Cranio maxillofacial surgery instruments
- Awls
- Bone mill
- Bone packer
- Calipers
- Chisels
- Clamps
- Curettes
- Dissectors
- Elevators
- Forceps
- Gauge
- Hooks
- Mallets
- Miscellaneous instruments
- Mobilizer
- Mouth gag
- Nasal punch
- Osteotomes
- Otoabrader
- Pliers
- Probes
- Protector
- Rasp diamond coated
- Raspatory
- Repositioner
- Retractors
- Rongeurs
- Saw guide
- Scissors
- Separator
- Shear
- Soft tissue protector
- Specula
- Stripper
- Template
- Tongue depressor
- Wire cutters
- Otologia
- Rynologia
- Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
- Tracheotomia
- Proktologia
- Genito-Urinary Instruments
- Post mortem instruments
Sterilization aids
- Filtry jednorazowego użytku
- Identyfikatory jednorazowe procesu sterylizacji
- Kleszczyki / pensety do sterylizacji
- kontenery do sterylizacji
- Kosze druciane
- Plomba transportowa
- Podkładka silikonowa
- Pudełka na igły
- Puszki do sterylizacji
- Ramki i uchwyty na instrumenty
- Ramki zaciskowe do serwet
- Serwety bawełniane
- Tace druciane
- Zaciski
- Hospital holloware
Eco-Line narzędzia chirurgiczne
- Eco-Line Needle holders
- Eco-Line Needle holders left handed
- Eco-Line Ligature needles
- Eco-Line Suture clip applying and removing forceps
- Eco-Line Entomological forceps
- Eco-Line Dissecting forcpes
- Eco-Line Atraumatic forceps
- Eco-Line Tissue forceps
- Eco-Line Hair removing tweezers
- Eco-Line Splinter tweezers
- Eco-Line Pensety do tkanek
- Eco-Line Micro forceps
- Eco-Line Delicate scissors
- Eco-Line Tonsil scissors
- Eco-Line Scissors incision
- Eco-Line Ligature scissors
- Nożyczki do pedicure
- Eco-Line Uterine scissors
- Nożyczki nosowe
- Eco-Line Operating scissors
- Eco-Line Dissecting scissors
- Nożyczki rektalne
- Nożyczki sekcyjne
- Nożyczki uszne
- Nożyczki do chrząstek
- Igłotrzymacze z wkładką z węglika spiekanego
- Eco-Line Splinter forceps
Dental materials
- Alginate
- Amalgam Capsules
- Gutta Percha Points
- Paper Points
- Articulating Paper
- Gingival retraction cord
- Prophylaxis paste
- Mouthwash tablets
- Teeth whitening products
- Dental Eteching Gel
- Polyester matrix band tape
- Cements
- Reciproc Gutta Percha
- ProOne Gutta Percha
- ProNext Gutta Percha
- Reciproc paper points
- ProOne paper points
- ProNext paper points
- Interdental Wedges
- Polyester crown forms
- Komposite Unidose gun dispenser
- Endodontic materials
- Surgical suture absorbable and nonabsorbable
Disposable products
- 2-piece disposable syringes
- Disposable flouride trays
- Latex rubber dam
- Disposable endodontic plastic syringe tips
- Etching gel and flowable composite tips
- Disposable instruments
- Disposable dental mirror plain with handles
- Sterilization pouches
- Sterilization rolls
- Cross Infection barriers
- Face masks
- Dental bibs
- Disposable couch covers
- Disposable surgical aspirators and evacuator tips
- Cotton rolls
- Non woven spitton filters
- Applicator and Brushes
- Non-woven sponges
- Saliva ejectors
- Bouffant caps
- Disposable surgical gowns
- Shoe covers
- Disposable cups
- Disposable mixing spatula and pads
- Disposable Instrument trays
- Dappon pots
- Disposable medical waste containers
- Nitrile gloves
- Latex gloves
- Ultrasonic tips
Dental Equipment
- 3-1 Air water syringe
- Contra angle and straight handpiece
- Falcon K-Series handpieces
- Falcon N-Series handpieces
- Falcon N-Series handpieces, fixed connection
- Falcon N-Series handpieces, quick coupling
- Handpiece lubricant
- Air Polisher handpieces
- Tubing for handpieces
- Spittoon filters
- Light box with adopter
- Quick couplings
- Sealing machines and accessories
- Cordless light curing unit
- Formowanie próżniowe
- Excavators
- Endodontic curettes
- Endodontic Spreaders
- Endodontic Retractors
- Splinter Forceps
- Endodontic Pluggers Niti
- Endodontic Heat carrier Pluggers
- Micro Endodontic Pluggers Burnishers
- Polycarbonate Temporary Crowns
- Endodontic Pluggers
- Endodontic explorers
- Endo Irrigation needles
- Micro Endodontic Applicators
- Rotary files
- Barbed Broach
- K-Files Stainless Steel
- H-Files Stainless Steel
- Stainless Steel Reamers
- Niti H-Files
- Niti K-Files
- Niti Reamers
- NiTi Spreaders
- Niti Pluggers
- Silicone stoppers
- Paste carrier
- Reamers Gates Glidden
- Reamers Peeso
- Gold screw posts
- Screw post reamers
- Wkłady z włókna szklanego
- Examination light LED
- Micro mirrors
- Mouth mirrors
- D-Lite Illuminated Mouth Mirror
- Tweezers
- Periodontal Probes
- Mirror handles
- Micro mirror handles
- First Examination sets
- Explorers double ended flexible
- Explorers double ended rigid
- Explorers single ended flexible
- Explorers single ended rigid
- Explorers Probes combination Color Coded
- Anaesthesia
- Periodontal
Restorative instruments
- Excavators
- Filling instruments
- Filling remover
- Crown pliers
- Crown removers
- Crown spreaders
- Forceps for articulating paper
- Matrix bands
- Contoured anatomical matrices
- Matrix forceps
- Placement instruments
- Applicator for medicaments
- Latex rubber dam
- Rubber dam sets
- Rubber dam clamps tray
- Rubber dam clamps
- True-Flex rubber dam clamps
- Rubber dam forceps
- Rubber dam frames
- Rubber dam punch
- Burnishers
- Compo-Art Instruments for aesthetic restorations
- Rubber dam template
- Glass mixing slabs
- Matrix retainers
- Cement Spatulae
- Amalgam wells
- Amalgam carriers
- Cleoid-Discoid
- Amalgam pluggers
- Carvers
Impression accessories
- Disposable 1-2-3 impression trays
- Miscellaneous
- Disposable Impression trays for implants
- Disposable Impression trays
- Kiara impression trays
- Disposable impression trays transparent
- Mixing tips
- Mixing tips 1:1 ratio
- Mixing tips 4:1 ratio
- Intraoral Tips
- Aluminum Impression trays
- Regular impression trays without rim
- Children impression trays with rim
- Edentulous Impression trays
- Ehricke pattern impression trays perforated, edentulous
- Regular impression trays USA model with rim
- Anterior depressed impression trays with rim
- Ehricke pattern impression trays perforated regular
- Partial impression trays for crown and bridge work
- Partial trays For crown and bridge work without rim
- Regular impression trays with rim
- UniPress Universal dispenser kit
- Singly Disposable impression trays
- Disposable Impression Syringe
- Elevators
- Elevators Root tips
- Luxation Elevators
- Elevators with anatomical handle
- Elevators T-Handle
- Extraction instruments set
- Luxating hybrid micro serrated
- Syringes
- Diamond-Grip Extracting forceps European pattern
- Extracting forceps Meissner
- Extracting forceps Routurier
- Extracting forceps with anatomical handle
- Extraction forceps children pattern
- Extracting forceps European pattern
- Kleszcze ekstrakcyjne mod. amerykański
- Power Grip Extracting forceps
- Titanium Extracting forceps
- Extracting forceps
- Atramatic extraction forceps
- Syndesmotomes
- Century-Line Elevators
- Century-Line Elevators sets
- Elevators serrated tips
- Ergo-Form Elevators
- Extraction tweezers
- Bone surgery instruments
- Oral Instruments
- Periodontal surgery
Implantology Instruments
- Mallets
- Retractors
- Implant Osteotomes
- Measuring Instruments
- Bone mill and bone well
- Rachet wrench
- Bone block clamps
- Sinus rongeur
- Applicators for bone grafting material
- Implant scaling instruments
- Implant periosteal elevators and periotomes
- Sinus lift elevators
- Bone injectors TIN coated
- Placement instruments for membrane
- Sinus lift curettes
- Condensing osteotomes
- Bone collector
- Sinus osteotomes
- Bone scrapers
- Trephine burs
- Bone expander kit in box
- Bone tampers
- Sinus lift instruments
- Micro surgery instruments
Surgery Instruments
- Hooks
- Retractors Self Retaining
- Retractors
- Needle holders
- Needle Holders with tungsten carbide inserts
- Suture needles and cases
- Disposable scalpels
- Dressing Forceps
- Splinter Forceps
- Haemostatic Forceps
- Bandage Scissors
- Ligature Scissors
- Standard Scissors
- Scissors with one blade serrated
- Scissors with tungsten carbide inserts
- Surgical instrument spray lubricant
- Scalpel blades
- Dissecting Forceps
- Dissecting and tissue forceps with tungsten carbide tips
- Atraumatic Forceps
- Tissue Forceps
- Suture forceps
- Micro forceps
- Titanium dissecting and tissue forceps
- Blade removing forceps
- Scalpels stainless steel
- Towel Forceps
- Super-Cut Scissors
- Scalpel Handles
- Probes and Directors
- Delicate Scissors
- Titanium Delicate Scissors
- Prong retractors
- Titanium needle holders
- Titanium Haemostatic Forceps
- Scissors
- Operating scissors
- Dissecting scissors
Sterilization and Sundries
- Accessories for endodontic Instruments
- Accessories for sterilization containers
- Accessories for burs
- Handle for acetate sheets
- Grinding stones
- Cassette trays
- Sterilizing forceps
- Silicone color code rings
- Color coding tape
- Dental containers
- Iodine cups
- Graduated cups
- Towel-Bib holder
- Magnifying glasses
- Bowl type I
- Bowl type II
- Bowl type III
- Bowl type IV
- Bowl type V
- Protective eye wears
- Light protection hand shield
- Petri dish
- Silicone mat for delicate instruments
- Gauze sponge dispenser
- Cotton containers
- Forceps jar
- Drinking cup dispensers
- Glass products
- Instrument trays lids
- Face shields
- Instrument boxes
- Sterilizing drums
- Instrument tray racks
- Aluminum Instrument trays and accessories
- Plastic cassette trays
- Instrument trays deep
- Instrument trays shallow
- Kidney trays
- Perforated trays
- Tacki, stal nierdzewna
- Aspirator cleaning brushes
- Reusable metal cup
- Stainless steel trays
- Kontener Mini perforowana pokrywa+nieperforowana wanna
- Kontener Mini perforowana pokrywa+perforowana wanna
Rotary instruments
- DIA-DUPLEX Synthetic rubber polisher with impregnated diamond
- SMART prophy cups latex free
- Compo Silicone polishers for composite
- Arkansas stone polishers
- S-FLEX polishing discs
- Prophy paste
- Prophy brushes RA
- Abrasive polishing tape
- Amalgam-Metal Synthetic rubber polishers
- DIA-COMP Synthetic rubber polisher with impregnated diamond
- Dental burs
- Teaching aids
- Cleaning and disinfection
- Oral hygiene
- Clinic accessories
- Promotional items
Photography and X-Ray
- X-Ray Accessories
- X-Ray protective aprons for children
- X-Ray protective aprons for adults
- Thyroid protection collars
- Contrastors
- X-Ray Illuminators
- Photo cheek retractors
- X-ray positioners kits
- Photographic mirror double sided Front surface
- Photographic mirror double sided stainless steel
- Sterilization cassette for photographic mirrors
Dental materials
- Brackets and Accessories
Wires and Accessories
- Bio-B3 Beta Titanium Archwires
Nickel titanium preformed archwires
- Nickel titanium D-Form archwires with torque
- Micro-Coated NiTi Euro-Form archwire
- Nickel titanium archwires D-Form
- Nickel titanium archwires D-Form with stops
- Nickel titanium archwires Euro-Form
- Nickel titanium archwires Euro-Form dimpled
- Nickel titanium archwires Full-Form
- Nickel titanium archwires Full-Form dimpled
- Nickel titanium Tooth Tone archwires
- Reverse curve nickel titanium archwires
Nickel titanium thermal preformed archwires
- Nickel titanium thermal Tooth Tone archwires
- Micro-Coated NiTi thermal Euro-Form archwire
- Nickel titanium thermal archwires D-Form
- Nickel titanium thermal archwires D-Form with stops
- Nickel titanium thermal archwires Euro-Form
- Nickel titanium thermal archwires Full-Form
- Nickel titanium thermal archwires Euro-Form dimpled
- Nickel titanium thermal archwires Full-Form dimpled
- Łuki Niklowo-Tytanowe termalne Plus
Stainless steel preformed archwires
- Bio-SS Stainless steel archwires nickel free
- Stainless steel archwires Full-Form
- 8 Strand twist stainless steel archwires
- Stainless steel Keyhole 2 loop archwires
- Stainless steel Keyhole 4 loop archwires
- Stainless steel T- loop archwires
- Stainless steel archwires D-Form
- Stainless steel archwires Euro-Form
- Micro-Coated Stainless steel archwires Euro-Form
- Stainless steel Tooth Tone archwires Euro-Form
- Stainless steel Tooth Tone archwires Full-Form
- 3 Strand twist stainless steel archwires
- 6 Strand twist stainless steel archwires
- Stainless steel archwires Standard-Form
- Stainless steel posted archwires lower
- Stainless steel posted archwires upper
- Nickel titanium wire spools
- Palatal Arch Bars Goshgarian
- Bondable lingual retainers
- Nickel titanium springs
- Stainless steel springs
- Wires oraganizers
- Crimpable tubes and stops
- Australian wire spool
- Lingual retainer wire
- Stainless steel wire straight length
- Crimpable ball hooks
- Disposable Arch Markers
- Grid for symetric measurements
- Preformed Ligatures
Bands and Accessories
- 1st Molar plain bands
- Pre-Welded Molar Bands with accessories
- Premolar Bicuspid band with weldable mini Roth bracket
- 1st 2nd Premolar Bicuspid plain bands
- Lingual cleat weldable
- Attachments
- Bondable buccal tubes
- Weldable buccal tubes
- Brackets weldable for premolar bands
- Eruption appliances
- Stackable bands organizer
- Duo Elastomeric ligatures latex free
- Mini Elastomeric ligatures latex free
- Silicone ligatures latex free
- Solo Ligatures latex free
- Uno Elastomeric Ligatures
- Figure 8 ligatures latex free
- Clear elastics latex free
- Coloured elastics latex free
- Uno-clear elastics latex free
- Silicone chains latex free
- Elastomeric chains
- Elastomeric moduls B-Link
- Separators
- Rotation wedges latex free
- Threads latex free
- Archwire sleeves latex free
- Elastomeric Ligatures and Chains Organizers
- Elastic directors
- Intraoral and extraoral elastic band case
- Elastomeric ligature placement gun
- Bonding Supplies
- Extraoral Appliances
Patient supplies
- Accessories for aligners
- Retainer case clips
- Ultima mouth guards
- Comfort covers
- Orthosil relief silicone unscented
- Toothbrush covers
- Functional vestibular appliances / schönherrs plates
- Retainer cases for invisalign
- Retainer cases Maxi
- Retainer cases Mini
- Retainer cases for bleaching trays
- Retainer cases classic midi
- Retainer cases classic with mirrors midi
- Slim-Line retainer cases
- Relief wax organizer
- Pointed toothbrushes
- Orthodontic v-trim toothbrushes
- Interdental brushes
- Bruxism splint
- Elasti-Bite therapy wafers
- Orthodontic care kits
- Patient relief aid kit
- Clear relief wax in unscented cases
- Woski osłonowe zapachowe
- Expansion Screws
- Laboratory wire
- Thermoform sheets
Orthodontic instruments
- Impresssion accessories
- Instruments For Elastomerics
- Instruments For Metal Ligatures
- Instruments for bands and buccal tubes
- Measuring instruments
- Wire positioning instruments
- Instruments for orthodontic brackets
- Cephalometric tracing film
- Aligner pliers
- Hard wire cutters
- Hard wire and ligature cutters
- Wire bending pliers
- Adam clasps forming pliers
- Ligature forming pliers
- Arch forming pliers
- Loop forming pliers
- Convertible buccal tube cap remover pliers
- Arrow clasp bending pliers
- Surgical ball hook crimping pliers
- Distal end bending pliers
- Band removing pliers
- Bracket removing pliers
- Distal end cutters
- Band contouring pliers
- Orthodontic pliers
- Laboratory pliers
- Distal Bender for wires
- Cephalometric tracing pencils
- Tweezers for placing lingual appliances
- Lip and cheek retractors
- Plier stands
- Orthodontic templates
- Arch forming turrets
- Tungsten carbide debonding burs
- Interproximal reduction instruments
- Uno Series pliers
- Plier grips
Laboratory Prosthetics
- Dental modeling waxes
- Zęby akrylowe
- Eisenbacher partial dental alloys
- Eisenbacher non-precious dental alloy for ceramics
- Eisenbacher dental alloy for composites
- Articulators
- Articulator's accessories
- Micro torches
- Alcohol burner
- Calipers
- Modelling Instruments
- Artist brushes pure kolinsky
- Plaster cutters
- Crown instruments
- Anvil
- Plaster and alginate spatulae
- Wax carvers
- Wax spatula
- Riveting mallets
- Plaster knives
- Wax knives
- Denture cases
- Ceramic Sculpturing instruments
- Plaster and Alginate Mixing Bowls
- Plaster saw and blades
- Compress & laboratory flask
- Tongs and tweezers
- Laboratory instruments kit for students
Rotary instruments
- Carbide bur HP, X-cut extra fine yellow
- Carbide bur HP, cross cut blue
- Carbide bur HP, X-cut super coarse black
- Carbide bur HP, cut fine red
- Carbide bur HP, cut coarse green
- Diamond burs HP
- Diamond discs mounted HP
- Diamond discs unmounted
- Diamond polishing paste
- Eco-System, silicone polishers
- Felt Polishers
- Felt Polishers HP
- Grinding caps
- Lathe brushes
- Mandrels HP
- Maxcut diamond cutting discs
- Polishing mops
- Scotchbrite wheels
- Standard silicone polishers
- Super silicone acrylic polishers
- Synthetic rubber polishers
- Synthetic rubber polishers latex free
- Universal silicone polishers latex free
- Krążki polerskie montowane na mandyli na prostnicę
- Mounted wheel polishers
- Szczoteczki 21mm na uchwycie
- Elevators for Cats and Dogs
- Luxating Elevators
- Needle holders
- Disposable scalpels
- Curettes
- Tooth cutters
- Tarter Removal Forceps
- Extraction Forceps for Cats
- Extraction Forceps for Dogs
- Extraction forceps
- Tongue Depressors
- Mirrors and handles
- Scalpel blades
- Mouth gag for cats
- Mouth gag for dogs
- Cheek Retractors
- Mouth Gags
- Scalers
- Tooth Rasps
- Veterinary instruments
- Rodent Rabbit dental table
- Holmstrom pluggers spreaders
Body Care
- Disposable products
- Accessories for bur
- Razors and blades
- Manicure nipper
- Cuticle nippers
- Edge nippers for ingrowing nails
- Pedicure nippers
- Thinning scissors
- Chisels / Splitters
- Gouges stainless steel
- Nail excavators
- Barber aprons
- Hard wire cutter
- Pliers for orthotics
- Artery forceps
- Cuticle pushers and cleaners
- Unna comedone extractor
- Dermal curettes
- Micro scalpels
- Comedo extractor
- Body piercing instruments
- Scissors
- Bandage scissors
- Menicure scissors
- Pedicure scissors
- Cuticle scissors
- Hairdressing scissors
- Falcon-Cut Hairdressing scissors TC
- Dissecting forceps
- Tissue forceps
- Hair removal tweezers
- Nail files
- Foot Rasp
- Nail file blacks
- Cotton container
- Callus Shaver
- Lupus curette
- Nail probes / Packers / Spatulae
- Plier stands
- Gauze applicators
- Kidney trays
- Stainless steel trays
- Foot files
- Gouges handles
- Scalpel handles
- Eye Lash Curler
- Przecinak do pierścionków
Medical uniforms
- Tools
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Weldable buccal tubes
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